5 Ways to Treat Whiplash Yourself


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If you have been in a car accident, chances are you have whiplash. This is quite a painful condition and it does require medical treatment. However, there are also some things you can do at home to help yourself.

5 Ways to Treat Whiplash Yourself

Let’s take a look at what you can do to help treat the symptoms of whiplash:

1. Use Ice and Heat

Using ice or heat can help to relieve your pain and reduce inflammation. Applying ice during the first 48 hours after your car accident can help you to reduce the swelling in the upper back, shoulders, and your neck.

Use an ice pack or some peas if you don’t have an ice pack. Just make sure you wrap the ice pack or peas in ice so you don’t burn your skin.

Use heat after the first 48 hours after your accident. This will encourage the blood to flow while loosening your muscles. You should get some relief from the heat while using it.

2. Do Some Light Stretches

If you speak to your doctor or have some physical therapy you will probably be shown some light stretches. These stretches can help your neck and spine. For example, you might be asked to slowly move your neck up and down or from side to side. Always move your neck slowly so you don’t end up injuring yourself even more. If the exercises are not helping or they’re causing you more pain, please speak to your doctor.

3. Use Some Essential Oils

Essential oils have been used for hundreds, if not thousands of years. They are thought to help promote healing and relaxation. While there is no scientific evidence to support the use of essential oils, they are thought to help.

Why not consider putting some drops of lavender oil on your pillow, or peppermint oil on a tissue? Lavender can help to relax you, peppermint oil is thought to reduce inflammation. Just a few drops of essential oils each time should be enough.

4. Over-The-Counter Medication

Some over-the-counter medications can help to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Please make sure that you always read the dosage instructions on the packaging. If your doctor has prescribed medication for whiplash, please make sure you know which medications you can and cannot. These are medications that could be taken in addition to your prescription medication.

5. Use a Memory Foam Pillow

Those who have suffered from whiplash in the past have often found memory foam pillows to be helpful. This is because pillows such as these offer the neck some support. The extra support can help to reduce pain and promote a good night’s sleep. If you don’t have a memory foam pillow please consider rolling up a towel and placing it under your neck. This will give you some support.

Whiplash can be painful and hard to recover from. However, the above tips could make a difference in your recovery. Please make sure you speak to your doctor if you think you have whiplash.


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