What is Anxiety Disorder And Why Doctors Recommend Ativan?


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It is a common phenomenon to feel anxious when you are encountered by challenging situations. This kind of anxiety does not last long. It is mostly situation driven. When the unpleasant or worrisome situation passes, you tend to go back to feeling normal.

However, in case of certain individuals, anxiety pops up rather too frequently. All such people are likely to be suffering from a health condition known as “Anxiety Disorder”.

The main cause behind anxiety disorder popping up in the first place is stress. This stress may be a result of one big dreadful event or a combination of multiple smaller events that have led to stress building up.

Anxiety disorder as a condition is usually self-diagnosable. However, in order to counter this condition, it is vital that you seek medical help.

What is anxiety disorder and why doctors recommend Ativan

As soon as symptoms associated with anxiety disorder start showing up, you should get yourself examined by a medical professional.

Anxiety disorder can be treated if appropriate medication is administered to the patient. Lorazepam is the base drug that works well to eliminate anxiety disorder. This is one of the primary reasons as to why most doctors suggest patients suffering from anxiety attacks to take assistance from Lorazepam.

Getting to know Lorazepam:

Lorazepam is a drug that belongs to the benzodiazepine family. In the market, Lorazepam is sold under different brand names, the most popular brand being Ativan. You can buy Ativan online overnight or at a drug store based on which purchase channel is more convenient for you.

Lorazepam plays a pivotal role in managing the content of GABA, a natural chemical in the human body.

Anxiety is usually a result of imbalance in the proportion of GABA. Lorazepam helps to balance out the GABA content, which in turn reflects itself in the form of reduced anxiety attacks. Over a period of time, anxiety symptoms can be totally eliminated from its roots.

More about Ativan:

Ativan is essentially an oral tablet that patients need to take by mouth. This tablet can be taken either before or after a meal. How you should be taking, Ativan depends largely on what your doctor has instructed you.

In order to deal with anxiety more efficiently, you should be very particular about your Ativan doses and follow your doctor’s prescription as precisely as possible.

You need to avoid skipping or missing any doses. You can set a reminder that can keep you reminded of your Ativan doses. If at all you tend to miss a dose, you need to make up for the missed dose by taking an Ativan tab as soon as you recollect about the same.

Preferably, you should time your Ativan doses in such a manner that you end up taking your doses at almost the same time each day.

If you are seeing, betterment in your condition after religiously following Ativan dosages does not mean you should be increasing the number of doses or days at your own free will.

This is because taking long-stretched doses of Ativan can lead to unwarranted addiction. Thus, you need to avoid ativan 1mg tablet buy online or offline alternatives.

Side Effects of Ativan

If taken for long time duration, you may end up facing severe withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms associated with Ativan include stomach pain, change in mood, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain, high fever and trouble sleeping to list out a few.

Like most medicines, a set of common and rare side effects are associated with Ativan too. These side effects may or may not show up in every patient. However, if they do surface, you need to stop any further doses of Ativan.

It is important that you get in touch with your doctor and let him know about the severity of your side effects. Common side effects of Ativan include drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, heartburn and loss of appetite.

On the other hand, fall the rare side effects of Ativan, which include hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, depression, memory problems and severe infections.

If you suffer from any sort of allergies in particular, then it is vital that your doctor knows about the same beforehand. On the basis of this information your doctor can decide, if Ativan will suit you or not.

While on Ativan dosage, it is important that you do not consume any sort of alcoholic beverages. Similarly, it is important to note that since Ativan tends to make the patient feel a bit dizzy and drowsy, activities such as driving and working on heavy machines need to be temporarily discontinued by the person in question.


If you have been a victim of anxiety disorder, you will know how difficult it is to survive with this condition, especially in absence of proper medication.
However, with Lorazepam and Ativan being around, all your worries are sure to come to an end.
First of all, you need to shed any hesitation that you have been holding for a while now and instead be open about your condition. You need to be upfront in your approach and should go see your doctor in the initial stage itself.
You can now heal anxiety fully and start leading a normal life without putting your personal or professional life to a standstill. All you need to do is get access to Ativan and be particular with your dosages.
With Ativan by your side, anxiety is sure to not brush against you in the future.


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