How to Check your Ayushman Bharat Eligibility: A Step-by-Step Guide


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If an individual wants to know who is eligible for Ayushman Bharat Yojana criteria for an Ayushman health card, here is how a person can check the eligibility criteria.

How to Check who is eligible for Ayushman Bharat Yojana Offline?

A person can quickly know if they are eligible for Ayushman Bharat Health card or not by calling any of the following toll-free numbers provided by the Government of India – 14477 or 1800-111-565.

Once a person determines their eligibility list for the ABHA health card scheme, they can then proceed to register themselves and their family members on the official website of the Government of India.

The Ayushman Bharat eligibility criteria are divided into two broad categories:

  • Rural sector
  • Urban sector

The criteria for Ayushman Bharat eligibility in rural areas are as follows:

  1. Bonded labourers
  2. Backwards-class people like scheduled caste and scheduled tribes
  3. Landless families
  4. Manual hunters
  5. Families with no male between 16 years of age and 59 years of age
  6. Families without any mature person between 16 years and 59 years of age
  7. Family circle with at least one bodily challenged member or no healthy adult

The criteria for Ayushman Bharat eligibility in urban areas are as follows:

  1. Ragpickers
  2. Washerman/secretary
  3. Hygiene workers, planters, and sweepers
  4. Home-based craftsperson and handicraft workforces
  5. Tailors
  6. Mechanics, linesmen, and repair labours
  7. Domestic maid
  8. Plumbers, painters, construction workers, masons, porters, welders, and security guards
  9. Supporters, peons of small associations, delivery men.
  10. Transport employees such as conductors, drivers, cart pullers, helpers, or rickshaw pullers
  11. Cobblers, vendors, and people offering services by working on roads or pavements.

What are the documents required to register in Ayushman Bharat?

The submission of vital documents is essential if an individual wants to register in any scheme.

Delivering all the essential paperwork accelerates the process. Here’s a quicker look at all the compulsory papers for availing the PMJAY (PM Jan Arogya Yojana) or Ayushman Bharat Yojana.

  • Identity-proof and age proof
  • Annual Income certificate
  • Caste certificate
  • Contact particulars such as phone number, email ID, address, etc.
  • Papers stating the individual’s family’s current status

Want to know what mandatory certificates are required for registration in Ayushman Bharat Yojana?

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One must submit different types of certificates while applying for the Ayushman Bharat Yojana. The essential certificates under this scheme are as follows.

  • Income certificate: Below the poverty line or above the poverty line
  • Caste certificate: SC, ST, OBC, General
  • Family structure: Joint or nuclear family

When an individual applies on an online platform for the PM Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), they must specify their household structure. For example, an individual must mention whether they are part of a nuclear or joint family.


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