Should Textbooks be Replaced by Computers?


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Today, autodjelovi computers, tablets, mobile phones, and the internet are all becoming increasingly integrated into our daily lives. People spend a lot of time using some kind of technological device, whether they are in our personal circles or even in our homes.

Should textbooks be replaced by computers

In the end, despite the negative aspects of technology, we have never had access to as many options for information and education as we do today, and this is only made possible by technology.

Because they are less expensive, many people believe that textbooks should be replaced by computers. However, we do not believe that textbooks should be replaced by computers. Computers should not be used in place of textbooks because they cause physical health issues, decrease concentration, and raise tuition costs.

The way electronic devices encourage multitasking could be a problem. As we read this, we realized that if students actually used computers instead of textbooks, they might end up on social media sites or other sites they aren’t allowed to use at school, like gaming sites or sites that are inappropriate. As can be seen, students’ concentration would suffer greatly if they used a computer rather than a textbook. On the other hand, you can probably infer that the students who did not use computers for their autodjelovi textbooks were probably much more focused, were able to concentrate, and were able to comprehend the concept that was covered in the textbook. In fact, I can identify with this idea in my own life.

However, with recent technological advancements, could student textbooks now be obsolete? Surely, with the advent of hardware innovations like smartphones, laptops, and tablets, the time has come to replace traditional study guides and textbooks?

Let’s think about it. Because of their limited functionality, let’s rule out smartphones and tablets right now. We are left with notebook computers as a result. Laptops are now renowned for being extremely light, portable, and containing everything a student would need, on a screen large enough to read, write, and study the content of their textbook. They are a far cry from the large desktop computers we had when we were in school. Since all of a student’s textbooks can be accessed from a single notebook computer, this already surpasses the textbooks.

However, schools and families simply do not have the financial resources to purchase notebook computers, and even a decent mid-range autodjelovi model can easily cost several hundred dollars. However, this can easily cost hundreds of dollars on its own for a student with, say, eight textbooks. When the information in the textbooks becomes out of date, it is necessary to purchase new ones. This could cost a school or student thousands of dollars over a student’s entire academic career. In contrast, all one needs to keep up-to-date study materials for life is a notebook computer.

Our team at will lay down some differences between textbooks and technology to help you choose which is the best option for you and your children in future learning.

Textbooks versus technology: differences to help you choose the best option kamp prikolice

Access to the most recent content

When the most important thing for most teachers is having access to the most recent and accurate information, digital tools make it possible to update content in real time.
In contrast, the use of out-of-date information when new nekretnine editions are not yet available is perhaps the greatest drawback of textbooks.

Academic book publishers have also come under fire for charging a lot of money for new editions of texts.

Training for the future

Computer education provides students with the opportunity to learn how to use computers throughout their lives. Numerous of our professional activities are powered by computers across numerous industries. It can help prepare students for success in the future to provide them with opportunities at a young age.

Digital textbooks are less expensive and can be updated immediately

Despite the fact that many opponents of tablets cite the cost as their primary reason for opposition, digital textbooks are less expensive kamp prikolice than print textbooks and can be updated immediately. Tablets and digital textbooks are also getting cheaper, making them more affordable and accessible to consumers.

Digital textbooks, in contrast to print textbooks, can be immediately updated with new information. Tablets eliminate the need for schools to constantly purchase new material, whereas print textbooks require schools to regularly purchase new editions, software, and hardware. Students will no nekretnine longer have to learn from out-of-date textbooks thanks to educational tablets for schools. This is especially important for subjects like computer science that change frequently.

Organized learning

The fact that textbooks are professionally compiled by academic professionals is a major benefit. The facts are verified for accuracy, and the content is arranged logically.

Computers give students free rein, allowing them to deviate from a teacher’s planned lesson or even access content that contains incorrect information, which makes it impossible for them to meet learning objectives.

Utilizing tablets can cut down on waste

What if schools were able to completely eliminate the need for paper assignments and handouts? The large amount of paper used in schools harms the environment and costs school districts money. Monthly, schools spend a significant amount of money on paper, toner, and ink, with printers and technical support adding even more to kamp prikolice the bill.

Problem of weight

Digital books are easier to carry than printed books. The primary source of concern has always been the weight of school bags. The digital device can be used to store not only books but also homework and classwork if it has good internet connectivity.


Because students spend so much time on computers outside of the classroom, overexposure is one danger of computer learning. Students may have difficulty distinguishing computer time for learning from computer time for playing. They might spend more time on social media than following a lesson plan as a result of this. Using a kamp prikolice computer to learn is bad for a student’s ability to focus on their work because there are so many distractions.

Reading skills

When students with below-average reading skills are required to read everything from a textbook, it can be challenging for them to keep up. However, strong educators are able to guide students and assist them in improving their reading skills, which cannot be obtained through the use of a computer.

Lack of organization nekretnine

Teachers want to know that students are paying attention to their work and adhering to the lesson plan. Computers give students a lot of latitude, allowing them to deviate from a teacher’s planned lesson or even access sources that contain incorrect information. Students as a result fall behind in class, do not achieve their learning goals, and may even learn incorrect material.


Giving students the opportunity to make connections between concepts and what they see in front of them is the most crucial part of the learning process. Textbooks enable students to learn in a more tangible way and make it simpler for them to process information than they could on a screen. In addition, students can see their progress right in front of them and comprehend what they are learning.

Even though computers now play a bigger role in the classroom than ever before, textbooks still play a big role in learning. The work done by textbooks can certainly be supplemented by computers and other technologies.


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