5 Ways to Ensure Your Child is Safe after the School Reopens


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We are living in a time where everyone is working on staying healthy to avoid being a victim of the novel coronavirus. The whole world has collectively seen the strain of the virus in the past year. We have evolved with the virus and have learned to live with it and protect ourselves at the same time.

With the lockdown easing up and the world moving back to how it was, it is important to remember that the virus is still prevalent and is not to be taken lightly.

5 Ways to Ensure Your Child is Safe after the School Reopens

Along with public places and offices, the educational institutes have also started to function again. This demands a physical attendance of the students and this has caused worry in most of the parents.

Unlike adults, it is not easy to regulate children to stay aware of the deadly effects of the virus. There are many ways to assure that they are safe, for example, giving them an ayurvedic immunity booster ensures that their immunity improves. It is discussed in detail further ahead.

At the same time, it is important to let them know the importance of staying safe during the time.

If you are a parent who is worried to send their ward back to school, this article is just for you.

Below are 5 ways to ensure that your child is safe and tips for parents to minimize the risk of covid transmission.

5 Tips for Parents to Send Your Children Back to School During Pandemic

Educate your Children About the Situation

Your children are quite aware of the changing times. They are probably as stressed and anxious as you are. Educate your children about the situation and the dos and don’ts.

Educate them about the importance of wearing a mask, washing hands regularly, and especially touching common places such as the staircase, desks, and chairs.

Bring awareness to your children about the safety precautions, symptoms to look for in school. It is unfair to expect the same level of seriousness of every child from the school. Teach your child to stay away from kids who are not following safety precautions.

Watch Their Diet

Add food items that improve immunity in the body. Include a lot of Vitamin C in the diet. Watch out for food items that can increase the risk of flu or fever. Avoid sodas, ice cream, and other cold food items. If your child falls sick easily add vitamins and ayurvedic immunity booster.

You can buy an ayurvedic immunity booster from any ayurvedic shop nearby or online. Read the feeding instructions carefully and alter the dosage based on your kid’s age

Talk to the School About Your Concerns

Get to know about the precautionary measures taken in the school premises to avoid the transmission of the virus. Ask them about how they have planned to avoid crowding and to ensure all the kids and staff will be wearing masks.

You can also suggest having only a few students per class to practice social distancing. Voice out your concerns about the reopening of the school and your ward’s safety. Ask them about the protocols in place when a child or a teacher falls sick.

Monitor their Health

Now that your kids are all set to get back to school, keep a check on your kid’s health. Look for symptoms of coronavirus such as cough, fever, etc. Enquire about what is happening at school and ensure the school is having a check on every kid’s health. Do not send your child to school if he or she is not well.

Have a Check on Their Mode of Transport

Try your best to avoid using public transport to commute to school. If your child is taking a school bus, ask about the cleanliness protocols to the management.

Ensure that the surfaces are sanitized after every ride and wearing a mask is mandatory in the school bus. Try your best to drop your ward at school to avoid the crowded areas and minimize the risk of transmission

It is a scary time to send your kids back to school and it is understandable to be worried and anxious about it. At the same time, the fear of the virus is sometimes deadlier than the virus itself. Check up with your children about their mental state as they might be feeling the stress too.

Let them know it is going to be okay and not to fret. Take the necessary precautions as a parent to take care of yourself and stay safe. Do not hesitate to reach out to your kids as this will help them deal with the transition better.


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