6 Tips from the Writers of the Best Essay Samples


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The assignment of writing a college essay is overwhelming and challenging because of the range of ideas that you have to juggle and the piles of materials that you have to research. What is more, you also have to put all of your arguments together and, as a result, submit a cohesive essay. Looks easier said than done for most busy college students. But the reality is that even the most professional writers have been there. If you’re stuck, Jodi Picoult believe that “you just sit down and do it; you might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page.” There are some other tips on how to improve your prose that know-it-all writers share hoping to help you become a better writer.

6 Tips from the Writers of the Best Essay Samples

Identify the Essay Question

When you’re asked to produce a college essay, there are usually some background details related to the question that you have to address. At this point, some students get easily confused, not knowing exactly what your project should be about. Taking it into consideration, it is highly recommended to identify the question that your professor wants you to answer in your work. This, in turn, will save your time and boost your grade.

Stay Away from Passive Voice

It’s no doubt, sometimes you just can’t avoid it in your writing. Moreover, sometimes using passive voice is not a mortal sin. At the same time, if you use a lot of it, the quality of your paper will become far from ideal.

Strive for Clarity

It’s no doubt that sometimes it’s fun to pretend like you’re Stephen King or E. L. James and turn your intellectual paper into a fancy piece of writing. However, the point is not to be posh and fancy in your text. The point is to convey your message properly and clearly.
The simpler and clearer you write, the more it will seem like you understand the essay question. Besides, college tutors can easily smell fake fanciness. Clarity is a must.

Check Online Essay Samples

One of the best ways to write a winning essay is to look at the samples available on the web. Download a pile of the best essay examples that you can find and read them all. Pay attention to how the writers structure their works and convey their messages, what evidence and writing styles they use. Check the introductory and concluding sections to see how the authors

Write Your Conclusion Before You Start Your Essay

At first, the idea may sound pointless. However, the reality is that if you formulate your conclusion at the beginning of the writing process, you will get a better idea of what your key purpose and intentions for writing are. In other words, this simple trick will help you stay on track, and you won’t get lost in the whirlpool of ideas.


The most basic recommendation on writing an essay is…to practice. To take your academic writing to the next level, reading and writing as often as possible will help you learn the style basics and the technical rules. Besides, you will end up having a better feel for what sentence sounds good and what should be better edited.

There are many other recommendations and tricks out there, but the ones listed above are enough to become your starting point. Ensure to identify the key weaknesses of yours and work toward enhancing your writing.

Hopefully, these writing tips will inspire you to write more and become good at the craft of essay writing.


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