Chocolaty – The Cake Connoisseurs


Do you also have a sweet tooth for desserts and delicacies? Are you missing those good-old-days when you would munch on delicious cakes, but can do nothing as the lockdown has bumped you? Don’t worry, Chocolaty has got your back with its reliable online cake delivery in Kolkata. From the much-loved Dark Chocolate Cakes to the delectably awesome Butterscotch cake, Chocolaty offers you a wide variety of cakes to choose from.

Chocolaty - The Cake Connoisseurs

Cakes have been our long-standing delicacies at sweet times for ages, be it a birthday, an anniversary celebration or any random feel-good moment, cakes have become a part of every celebration. With that being said, Chocolaty also offers you the pleasure of choosing cakes that perfectly fit the occasion, from the Mickey Mouse shaped cakes to the alluring heart cakes you have a wide variety to choose from. Chocolaty gives you the chance to surprise your loved ones with specially designed, best in class photograph cakes that complement the occasion and also give the glimpses of a cherished moment.

In due course of time things have changed drastically, gone are the days when you would only rely on the cake prepared by the bakery, with little or no space for customization. At Chocolaty you are the master of your own choices, from the choice of bread to the type of seasoning to be used, they work on the sole discretion of your choice. Chocolaty also boasts of optimum customer satisfaction with the choices of Sugar-Free Cakes for the diet freaks and eggless cakes for vegans, you don’t even have to put your health or diet routine at stake to enjoy the moment for Chocolaty has got that sorted.

Scratching your head due to piled up work or boss gave you last-minute work call, couldn’t attend the party, send your best with a delicious cake as Chocolaty offers you services round the clock services and boasts of timely deliveries, giving customer satisfaction utmost importance. Not only this, but you can also surprise your loved ones by planning the exact date and time as to when you want the cake at your doorstep, which in itself is enticing and appealing. Gone are the days when you would visit a bakery, choose a cake, stand in a queue at the billing counter to get the cake or just worry about cake while throwing a party missing out on other important aspects, now in this age you have Chocolaty who does the work and relieves you to only enjoy to the optimum. With them, online cake delivery in Kochi and other parts of the country is a smoother drive.

Chocolaty accepts online orders and delivers in prominent metro cities of Kolkata and Kochi, delicious and mouth-watering cakes are just a click away.

Cakes don’t even need an occasion and with Chocolaty it happens in wink of an eye, so go and enjoy with your near and dear ones for a complete celebratory experience.


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