Fire Drills Through Virtual Reality (VR)


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Fire is one of the greatest discoveries of humanity, but it can also be a source of danger in accidents. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of ensuring fire safety in any building, be it an office or a factory. Of course, the responsibility for everything that happens in the building lies primarily with the leader. However, the leader has much more important issues, such as ensuring the building’s activities, financial security, production processes, taxes, and much more. Thus, ensuring fire safety is relegated to the background.

To improve fire safety and life safety knowledge, we suggest that you use the Fire Drills Through Virtual Reality (VR) introduced by AK Preparedness. The mobile app is available for all members using smartphones, tablets, and other devices.

Fire Drills Through Virtual Reality (VR)

Moreover, this app ensures the high-quality and widespread introduction of new forms of training. It trains the occupants in the field of self-defense, protecting the building and offices in emergencies or hazzards, and ensuring fire safety.

How Fire Drills Through Virtual Reality work?

Traditional fire drills create a problem during an emergency because they require many occupants to gather in assembly areas and stairwells. And most of them don’t know how to operate them. In this regard, AK has introduced Fire Drills Through Virtual Reality work. By clicking life safety equipment, the participants can learn how to use emergency phones and fire extinguishers in the stairwell.

Locating fire drills and stairwell

You must consider some important aspects to ensure an adequate fire safety level in buildings. Fire prevention is an essential component of this system, and its effectiveness depends on the safe installation of fire drills. But all occupants don’t know where it is installed, and this thing can create a disaster. Drills Through Virtual Reality helps users leave their suite or office and locate fire alarms pull stations, fire extinguishers, and stairwells.

Training and education

An important aspect of fire prevention relates to human responsibility to ensure that accidental fires are not tolerated. Training and education at all levels play an important role in this. VR drills are responsible for informing the risks associated with the various actions they are taking. It also includes the instruction by the firefighters after their arrival at the assembly area.

Learn about life safety devices

In the event of a fire, occupants must be aware of it as soon as possible and are aware of the steps they need to take to move to a safe location. This requires knowledge of the safety regulations that have been adopted and simple knowledge of the route to be taken to achieve safety. In large and complex buildings, this can be a progressive process in the areas of increased safety. With the help of AK’s online life safety training, the occupants learn to use life safety devices and emergency phones.

Provides 3D Model of the building

Achieving fire safety requires a user-friendly mechanism. Ak’s is working best in this regard. The occupants can use their desktop, tablet, and smartphone to navigate the building’s 3D Model. Therefore, the new tenants on their first day in the office can use this app without facing any problem.

Some Advantages of using Fire Drills Through Virtual Reality

VR drills surpass traditional drills because of providing the following advantages:

  • They are convenient to use
  • New tenants can participate in a fire drill
  • Logs everyone who participates
  • Works well in bad weather
  • Reduce risks and cost
  • Offers a richer learning experience

VR fire drills cannot replace traditional fire drill; it is not an automatic system. The occupants still physically go into the stairwell and operate the drill. But it provides excellent services by providing online training for long term life safety. The app will help you navigate and make the right decision in an emergency, call rescuers, provide first aid, notify you of an unfavorable or dangerous natural phenomenon, and help you check your knowledge of life safety basics.

The mobile app will help you choose the right type and number of fire drill fixed in the stairwell for your own needs and the building’s needs. It also finds out general information about fires and their hazards. It familiarizes yourself with regulatory legal acts in fire safety.

Your security is more important, so don’t compromise on it!


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