How Can You Recover the Website from Google Penalty?


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Some people think Google penalty means everything’s over. But no, it’s not! There are basically two types of penalties which can be imposed on your website by Google. The first one is Manual Penalty and other is Algorithmic update.

How Can You Recover the Website from Google Penalty

Manual Penalty: You can easily identify the manual penalties. You will get this type of penalty when Google’s spam algorithm gets flagged due to some reasons on your website. You will get to know about the manual penalty when you receive a message from Google.

Algorithm Updates: Google updates its algorithm from time to time. You can also get penalties when Google updates the algorithm. A little modification in Google’s algorithm can cause a traffic drop on your website. Drop in the traffic can cause you a huge loss. You need Toronto SEO for enhancing your website quality and incoming traffic. These types of penalties are very difficult to detect because you will not be notified from any kind of message.

For detecting the penalty, you have to focus on algorithms. Two most popular algorithms updates are Panda and Penguin.

Panda update: Google’s Panda update focuses only on content quality. So if you are penalized due to panda update then you should hire a professional content writer for your website.

Penguin update: Google’s Penguin update focuses on the site’s backlinks and anchor text distribution. So, now you have to analyze your anchor text distribution.

How can you recover from Panda penalty?

Panda penalty basically occurs due to in unreliable content we can say due to lots of ads, poor navigation structure, or due to duplicate content. Search for your low-quality pages, for this you have to log in Google Webmaster Tool. Go to “Search appearance” and “HTML improvements”. These tools will tell you about your content quality and duplicates on the site. When you find duplicates or low-quality content; you can no-follow them or you can also delete that content.

How can you recover from Penguin Penalty?

If your website is penalized due to penguin update then all you have to analyze your anchor text distribution.

Here are some techniques for analyzing your anchor texts:

  • You have to create an account of Ahrefs and go to “backlinks reports”. You will get this tab on the top of the page; enter your website’s domain on that column.
  • Go to the “overview” tab and check all your anchor distribution on the last.
  • It includes targeted keywords, brand name keywords, naked URLs, etc.
  • You can also take help from the “backlinks” tab which can easily identify the source of the anchor text.

What are low-quality and bad backlinks?

There are various types of links which can be referred to as bad or low-quality backlinks, some are mentioned below:

  • Websites which are not related to your stream
  • Websites which contains lots of duplicate content
  • Sponsored content
  • Links from bad websites
  • Spam profile creation and comments
  • Backlinks from directories
  • Links from adult sites
  • Sneaky redirects
  • Spin content
  • Hidden text

Let’s start the recovery process!

There are numerous tools for identifying bad backlinks. You can choose anyone according to your need. Now to have to connect the Google Analytics account and import the links from your Webmaster Tools.

Identity the links

Check your dofollow links. Dofollow backlinks are responsible for Page rank. For checking your dofollow backlinks, you can use the thumbs up icon. But you have to check your all backlinks manually to verify either it is bad backlinks or not. You should look for:
• Links which have thin content
• Links which are not related to your website
• Links which have numerous backlinks from auto-approved comments

Remove the low-quality links

Remove each and every link which is participating in decreasing the ranking and causing you penalties. Here are some steps for this task:

  • You can request for removing the link. Don’t use your personal e-mail for this job. Use the company’s email for this task which will show that you are the genuine person that needs a link removal. Ask the webmaster politely. Do not spam the website owner with emails. You only have to send just one request e-mail.
  • Keep track keenly. Now all you have to keep a track of your request and send them from the website’s address. By this, you will get to know who is reading your e-mail.
  • Check the contact details. There are high chances that the website you are looking for must have contact or About Us page. You can easily contact them from their contact details.
  • Now all you have to send an email. The receiver will read your email and will remove the link. But if he does not remove the link then you can disavow the backlinks. For this, you have to create a report. Go to the setting button. Choose the links you want to disavow. Go to Filters>Tags>Disavow. Tap on With All and Export. Now submit the report.

This process may take weeks but after this, you will see an increment in your ranking and traffic. When you find duplicates or low-quality content; you can no-follow them or you can also delete that content. To prevent such penalties it’s important to know your game especially when your doing off-page SEO e.g. link building. A tool like Linkio will help you with the right choice of anchor text also with analyzing your competitors and boost your rankings and organic traffic.


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