How to Find Domain Information Using WHOIS Tool?


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Are you trying to find the information about any domain? Or you want to contact the domain owner? If yes, then the easiest way to collect the information about the domain registration owner is shared in this article.

How to find domain information using WHOIS tool?

What is WHOIS?

WHOIS is a giant domain address book. It is somehow similar to the telephone directory used a few decades ago. When anyone registers a domain name, the registrars ask for detailed information about the owner, name, address, phone number, etc. All such information is displayed on the WHOIS database. Hence, you can use the WHOIS tool to find all the information about the domain.

Why use WHOIS?

Some uses of WHOIS are:

  1. It is used to find that the domain of your choice is already taken or available.
  2. In order to buy any taken domain, you can find the owner of the domain and contact him. Politely make an offer for the domain, if he/she may not be using it.
  3. Ways to contact the domain owner. WHOIS shows the address, email, and contact information of the domain owner.
  4. The expiry date of the domain. So, you can find the near to expire domain.
  5. It also enables the network administrator to maintain internet stability.
  6. Avoid registrar scammers and provide a healthy online environment.

Who can use WHOIS?

WHOIS domain tool is free and easy to use. Anyone can go to and enter the domain URL in the search bar. All the information about the domain, owner, and registration will be available.

What if the domain is taken?

If the domain of your choice is taken, the tool shows all the related domain extensions available along with the price. You can just select the “add to cart” option to register a domain. Besides this, if you want to buy an already taken domain, then don’t PANIC. There is an option to make an offer to the domain owner.

What are Privacy Concerns?

Sometimes you may not find any personal or contact information about the domain owner on the WHOIS site. This is because some registrars hide the personal information of their clients (domain owners) as they want to shield their personal addresses or information. However, in that case, you can contact the registrar for making an offer about the domain. The registrar will share the owner’s information or ask the owner himself.

Who Accurate is the information?

WHOIS wants the registrars to update the domain information annually to maintain the accuracy of the domain information. If anyone fails to update the data or share the false information, ultimately results in domain name suspension.


Without violating any legislation, one can find the domain and domain owner information easily using WHOIS. It is an easy to use and free tool available on the internet. It is helpful in contacting domain owners, buying domains, finding the hosting that domain is using, and many more. Hope this will be helpful for you.


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