Is it Worth to Undergo Gynecomastia Surgery?


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A gynecomastia or male breast reduction surgery is the most effective surgical procedure to correct enlarged male breasts. The gynecomastia surgery helps in removing excess fat and tissues to provide a firmer and flattened contour of the chest.

If enlargement of man boobs weighs heavily on one’s self esteem and affects the quality of life negatively, surgery may be a healthy consideration. Gynecomastia causes psychosocial discomfort, anxiety and a fear of breast cancer and hence patients should seek medical attention and require diagnostic evaluation without any delay. Recovery after gynecomastia surgery is an important period when it comes to obtaining the best possible results.

Regardless of what the root cause is, male breast reduction surgery offers a possible solution for men who are unhappy with the size of their breast tissue.

Is it Worth to Undergo Gynecomastia Surgery

What causes gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia can be caused by the following factors:

  • Hormone Imbalance- Gynecomastia is mainly triggered by a decrease in the amount of testosterone as compared to estrogen. In men, if estrogen levels are too high than testosterone levels, it causes gynecomastia.
  • Age- In teenage boys, hormone levels may vary that is associated with puberty. For men who are above 50, the natural reduction in testosterone production can have similar effects.
  • Obesity- Breast tissue grows if one is obese or overweight. More fat in the body means more estrogen level in the body which results in breast tissue to grow.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption- Having excessive alcohol can interfere with the hormonal system, which can cause reduced testosterone level and male breast enlargement.
  • Medications- Antibiotics containing ketoconazole, isoniazid and metronidazole have been reported to cause the phenomenon.
  • Herbal products- Herbal products have estrogenic components which cause gynecomastia. It includes plant oils, such as lavender or tea tree, used in shampoos, lotions or soaps that have been associated with gynecomastia.

How To Prepare for the surgery?

To undergo gynecomastia surgery, one should prepare themselves before the surgery to avoid any complications and to ensure expectations are fulfilled.

  • Get medical evaluation from the doctor
  • Stop drinking or smoking
  • Intake less sugar in your diet
  • Take fruits and vegetables regularly
  • Do cardio exercises regularly at least three times a week

What happens during gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery involves two procedures- liposuction that is the surgical removal of the excess fat, and surgical removal of the excess glandular breast tissue, also known as glandular tissue surgery.

An important part of the most effective and comprehensive treatment to correct gynecomastia is liposuction. Surgeons usually perform the procedure under general anesthesia, but it is also well-suited to be performed under oral sedation or local anesthesia. In the liposuction process, the surgeon will make tiny incisions around the areola through insertion of a metal cannula. Thereafter, the cannula is moved back and forth in a controlled motion to loosen the excess fat and then it is removed from the body by vacuum suction. Surgery to remove the breast tissues generally involves liposuction of the excess fat, removal of the excess glandular breast tissue through an incision in the margin of the nipple-areolar complex or skin excision, in very large male breasts.

Effectiveness of Gynecomastia surgery

Currently, male breast reduction or gynecomastia surgery is the only consistently effective treatment for gynecomastia that has long lasting results.

According to findings of a research study, gynecomastia surgery had a mean satisfaction of 8-9 range from the total of 10 score. The gynecomastia surgery is extremely successful in getting rid of excess fat on the chest without having any health concern. It has a high rate of success among all alternative treatments available for male breast reduction.

How to ensure that the results remain long lasting?

Gynecomastia results are meant to be permanent, the excess fat, glandular tissue and skin removed are gone for good. But, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  • The use of steroid, significant weight gain or certain medical conditions could result in recurrence of gynecomastia.
  • In addition, taking antiulcer drugs like ranitidine, cimetidine, omeprazole influences testosterone levels which could also affect the results.
  • Cardio and lower body activity can be done after the first two weeks.
  • Strenuous activity should be avoided for the first two weeks after surgery.
  • Also, massaging the treated area with the hands or a roller device can be very effective to achieve the optimal surgery results.
  • Take less of sugar in your diet
  • Drink plenty of water or fruit juices to prevent dehydration
  • Take multivitamin or vitamin E tablets daily
  • Make sure to clean incisions clean by washing it even one week after the surgery

An experienced, board certified surgeon can help learn what to do to maintain the results for the long term.The post-op instructions are provided by the surgeon and medication to alleviate pain and reduce swelling.


Yes, it is worth undergoing gynecomastia surgery as long as instructions are followed before and after the surgery. It’s important to find a gynecomastia expert where one could find the answers of their questions and that produces successful results. For best results, it is advised to follow post-op instructions given by the surgeon for successful gynecomastia results.


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