What is Red Light Therapy Good For


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What can you expect from red-light therapy? Recent studies make the mechanism of photobiomodulation, which was a myth in the past, a lot more transparent. And the latest research even found more potential benefits we may get from red light therapy. In this blog, we will not only refer to the conventional applications of red light therapy but also share with you the latest applications of red light therapy and its potential benefits. Are you ready to learn more about this therapeutic light therapy? Let’s go on reading and get a start on enjoying your at-home light therapy.

What are the benefits of red light therapy?

Red and near-infrared light therapy apply red and near-infrared wavelengths of low-level intensity to directly emit through the skin and target the affected areas, such as organs, glands, and so on. Because of its non-invasive property, it causes only nominal adverse effects without the least of pain, and as the safest medical approach in recent research, it has been found effective to mitigate many symptoms of different diseases, among which some have been red light therapy’s specialties and strengths. Because red and near-infrared can penetrate into the mitochondria and induce a fundamental modulation of cellular activities, it can be more effective and promising for numerous skin conditions than traditional topical or systematic treatments, including those that are chronic or resistant to traditional treatments, such as acne vulgaris, rosacea, arthritis, and on and on.

The well-accepted theories and applications of red light therapy have long established the effectiveness of using low-level light therapy in reducing inflammation, edema, and chronic joint disorders and promoting healing processes in wounds, deeper tissues, and nerves. Other potential benefits from a regular dose of red light therapy include promoting better immunity and longevity by upregulating cellular proliferation and migration, as well as modulating the release of cytokines, growth factors, and inflammatory mediators.
Here are the major benefits that red light therapy has the strength.

Red light therapy for collagen production

LED red light therapy for skin rejuvenation has been shown to be effective in improving wrinkles and skin laxity. The picture below illustrates the main mechanism behind how red light therapy helps collagen production. Studies reported an increase in the production of pro-collagen, collagen, basic fibroblast growth factors (bFGF), and proliferation of fibroblasts. Furthermore, combined with other beneficial effects, including increasing microcirculation and vascular perfusion, altering platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and transforming growth factor (TGF-尾1), and more, it can also aid collagen production by fibroblast regeneration and inhibiting apoptosis. There is a study that explains it in detail. Collagen, as a key component supporting the skin’s structure of elasticity and other structures in the body, like cartilage, is critical in many medical applications, including arthritis treatment, skin rejuvenation, and so forth. That is exactly what red light therapy is good for.

Red light therapy for inflammation

Red light therapy for reducing inflammation is another well-recognized benefit that has an impact on many medical conditions. One fact is that red light can exert its effects by regulating cytokines from macrophages and other cells, which in turn helps inflammation. The fact, which has been clarified in this study, is that red light therapy can actually reduce the concentration of signaling factors involved in inflammatory responses, including nuclear factor keppa B (NF-魏B), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-伪), and even more. This anti-inflammatory characteristic of red light therapy holds a key to treating not only temporal inflammatory symptoms, such as in wounds and skin repair, but also chronic inflammatory diseases, such as acne vulgaris, rheumatoid arthritis, rosacea, musculoskeletal disorders, and so forth. These anti-inflammatory pathways of low-level light therapy suggest that it becomes a preferable therapeutic choice for any disease defined or worsened by inflammation.

Red light therapy for tissue repair and pain relief

The essence of red light therapy is to stimulate the improvement of cellular respiration by triggering the more efficient activity of cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) to promote ATP production. With more ATP production, the tissue repair processes are accelerated. Pain is a symptom of damage to the nerves or nerve endings. As red and near-infrared light therapy can boost the processes of regenerating tissues, it can also help to repair damaged nerve endings and encourage nerve regeneration, which hits the core of pain relief. This is a study using infrared light therapy to cure chronic back pain, and the experimental group reported a 50% reduction in pain, compared with only a 15% reduction in pain in the control group.

What are the latest applications of red light therapy?

Besides the above applications that are well-known and have long been applied in clinical situations, recent studies also found new trends in low-level red light therapy for other medical fields.

This study assessed the efficacy of using low-level red light therapy in myopia control in children, and among 264 randomized participants, it achieved good user acceptability and patient satisfaction.

Another study using red and near-infrared light therapy to protect red blood cells against oxidative stress and hemolysis found the applicability of low-level light therapy to reduce blood trauma during extracorporeal circulation.

Other forward-looking research goes a step toward applications of red light therapy in neurological or autoimmune diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, psoriasis, and so on.

Bestqool: The best red light therapy devices for your need

Luckily, the evolution of technology now makes it possible to take advantage of cutting-edge red light therapy at home. However, as we know, choosing the right red light therapy device for what is needed can be debilitating. However, there are simple tips to follow, and all Bestqool devices abide by these standards to ensure the success and efficacy of light treatment. All products from Bestqool are intended for medical-grade use and manufactured with the most suggested, effective, and specific wavelengths of red light at 660 nm and near-infrared light at 830 nm, as well as the highest potential of irradiance output, to allow the most efficient and versatile use. Science and anthropochemical research support Bestqool’s which provides the best red light therapy experiences and safety standards adapted to the human body. All Bestqool products minimize the heat level without sacrificing the irradiance output and are free of EMFs. To meet the highest performance and safety standards of the industry, all Bestqool products are CTL-certified and FDA-registered. We take pride in being able to provide the best red light therapy experience for the needs of our clients and are proud of these achievements. In addition, all Bestqool devices are covered by a three-year warranty to secure your successful treatments. If you are looking for a reliable device for long-term medical needs, Bestqool is your best choice.

Light Therapy Lamps

Light Therapy Lamps are a great way to improve your mood and energy levels. These lamps provide natural light, just like the sun, but at a much lower intensity that won’t disrupt your sleep. Light therapy can combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), reduce symptoms of depression, and help regulate melatonin levels. When used properly, light therapy lamps can help you maintain an optimal sleep schedule and even provide a source of Vitamin D when direct sunlight is unavailable.


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