Fun Ways to Get Ready for Fall


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With that nip in the air, it’s time to start gearing up and getting ready to turn the page on another long summer in anticipation for fall.

Fun Ways to Get Ready for Fall

We’ve compiled a few ways that you can get ready to have the best fall you’ve ever had!

Restock Your Bath

Summer is the season for quick rinses in the shower and getting back out to the beach, campfire, or cookout. After all of the summer fun has waned, fall is the perfect time to light some candles, pour a glass of wine, and run a bath.

There are several things you’ll need to make sure you’re well-stocked to relax with a nice bath when you get home from work on a cool fall night.

Make sure your bathroom is stocked with bath bombs, body scrubs, and essential oils. A good place to start to look for these is from the folks at Bubbly Belle. They’ve got you covered with best-selling bath bombs and endless other supplies to make your bath time the best.

If you’re the busy type, which we often are in the fall with the kids back in school, Bubbly Belle has a monthly subscription plan as well that delivers bathtub essentials directly to your door.

Cross Off Household To-Do Lists

Often lost in the shuffle of summer are long to-do lists of items that either need to be done or replaced around the house.

The house needs a deep clean, the trees need pruning, and there are lightbulbs that need replacing. Now is the time to get these often-mundane tasks completed in preparation for fall, or even worse, winter.

If you’re a bit at a loss for a place to look, Bulbhead is a great place to find an almost endless supply of different household and everyday items ranging from cleaning supplies to fitness gear to even crafting supplies, all at great prices.

If you can cross a few of these items off your list when it’s still nice out, you’ll be thinking yourself down the line when the weather turns.

Get Ready for the Snow

While we are always hoping for that nice transition from fall to winter, the truth of the matter is, snow is on its way in most of the country.

Taking advantage of the remaining nice weather to get ready for the onset of winter doesn’t have to be depressing.

Instead of dreading winter and giving yourself anxiety by pulling out the snowblowers, buying salt, and grabbing a new snow shovel—you can make it fun by getting ready for some winter recreation.

Pick up some new snow pants or boots so you can slide down the hill in style. Perhaps get the kids some inflatable toboggans and sleds so they can join in on the fun!

Fall doesn’t have to a time of constant anxiety. Make it fun by planning your snow activities!

Improve Your Health and Wellness

The truth is, there is never a bad time to take care of yourself. However, if there’s ever a great time to do it, it’s during the fall.

Try to take a walk, head to the gym, or even get some yardwork done. Getting up getting moving is easiest this time of year due to the great weather.

If you have aches and pains, look into some great natural hemp-based products from They have creams, sanitizers, and natural based pain relievers.

If you’re looking to eat a bit healthier, starting a diet before the Thanksgiving holiday is a great time to give yourself a head start so you can reward yourself with a guilt-free holiday.

Host a Potluck Dinner Party

Fall is a great time to get together with friends and family. Having a potluck dinner party is great way to bust our your cookware and kick off the holiday season.

Potluck style parties are quite popular these days. Guests will be asked to bring an appetizer, dessert, or drink to pass amongst friends.

One way to impress your guests at your dinner party is to buy caviar to share. This delectable delicacy has definitely not gone out of style. Keeping it simple is key at a potluck party, finger foods, and hors d’oeuvres are best here.

Just because summer is over, doesn’t mean you still can’t get together and take a load off with friends—be creative and host a themed potluck party and bring the party inside!

Rearrange and Redecorate the House

New season new beginnings, right? It’s time to give your living room or bedroom a facelift after a long summer.

Stylish housing trends can be found ad nauseum online, so take a look at all of the different ways people are putting together their homes and find one that fits your house the best.

Finding modern furniture to go along with your décor is also a must. Getting rid of the old couch and replacing it was a trendy sectional does wonders for the comfort and look of your home. A new dining set is always a great idea when it’s your turn to host the big holiday parties as well.

Friends and family members will be grateful for more room to watch football and a beautiful setting when they are eating pumpkin pie after the big dinner.

Get Your Gut Right after a Long Summer

Fall is the time get right after a long summer of vacations, cook outs, and late-night parties. Your body deserves to get some well-needed rest and relaxation.

One great way to get your guts right is to try a juice cleanse. Juice cleanses are half or full day fast were only fruit and vegetable juices are consumed.

Some benefits to a juice cleanse include flushing your system, replacing antioxidants, and adding some much-needed vitamins and minerals to your diet.

Many people find that they have more energy and overall, feel much better after a juice cleanse.

Consider a hard reset on your diet this fall and start the season off on a healthy note.

Host a Cocktail Party

Similar to the potluck, something a little more casual can also be fun, and that is a cocktail party.

Pick a cool Friday night and tell your guests to come by your home for drinks and appetizers. It’s a great time to break the ice, talk, and just enjoy each other’s company for a while after work.

Impress your guests with old time drinks like martinis, margaritas, or gimlets or you can go with something that will blow their mind like a “new fashioned” made with MezcalRosaluna and Tequila.

An old autumn favorite that every cocktail party should have are “apple pie” shots, which countless recipes can be found online. This cocktail is premade with cider, cinnamon, and clear liquor and usually served in a mason jar. This presentation will surely put a smile on your guest’s faces!

You’ll be the talk of the water cooler on Monday after you wow your guests with amazing drinks and great laughs.


Getting ready for fall can be a blast. Take a look at a few of the ways you can turn fall into a season that you’re marking off the calendar for each year!


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