How to Work Remotely in an Effective Manner


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The last few years have seen changes to the world of work that have happened on an unprecedented scale. Most notably, the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in millions of workers being required to adopt remote or hybrid forms of working to keep businesses functioning while national lockdowns and restrictions on movement were in effect.

How to Work Remotely in an Effective Manner

Today the restrictions in place due to the pandemic are generally being lifted across the world, but the desire for remote or hybrid models of work remains. In fact, recent statistics suggest that an enormous 98% of workers would like to keep remote forms of working at least some of the time. Clearly, this places a demand on employers to offer their workers hybrid or remote models of work. This article explains three ways in which remote work can be conducted in an efficient and effective manner to keep productivity high.

Upgrade IT systems

A key part of working effectively from a remote setting is by having a suitable IT infrastructure to access company systems and applications. In the early days of the pandemic, remote-working employees often experienced problems when connecting to company intranets or accessing parts of the company systems. While most employees have access to fast, secure, and reliable home internet, it was clear that corporate IT infrastructure needed to be upgraded to enable efficient home working.

In 2022, many businesses that have remote workers are looking to the latest IT solutions to ensure flawless connectivity and usability. Today’s industry-leading software, such as the Azure Virtual Desktop, provides a platform that allows secure and effective remote working to become a reality. Such platforms provide straightforward and reliable access to work systems which are integral to ensuring continued high levels of productivity.

Encourage flexibility

Employers should recognize that their teams may have different preferred methods of working that allow them to perform at their best every day. Not all employees are at their most effective during a 9-5 schedule; some tend to be more productive during the morning, while other workers may work better in the evenings. By allowing a degree of flexibility in terms of office hours, this can help employers to get the most out of their staff. Clearly, there will always be a need for “core office hours” when the majority of employees should be present in team meetings and to allow collaboration on tasks. However, giving freedom for employees to set their own scheduled working patterns can improve motivation and productivity and can help employees gain greater control of their work-life balance.

Effective virtual meetings

Many employees will have memories of virtual meetings that were characterized by connectivity issues, difficulties in joining or experiencing problems hearing what is being said due to poor-quality audio. As remote working advances, so do the platforms for virtual meetings. Today in 2022, there are a range of virtual meeting software systems that offer perfect picture quality without lag and clear sound. All employers should ensure that the software for virtual meetings is fit for purpose. Here are some of the best video conferencing software packages available today. In addition, managers should ensure that the meetings themselves are effective and do not lose purpose or direction while encouraging teamwork and active collaboration and problem-solving.


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