The 5 Don’ts to Follow While Issuing an Offer Letter


Everyone keeps telling you what to do when doing something important. But, has anyone tried to tell you what not to do when taking a vital step? Talking about the professional sphere, one wrong decision and it can spoil your own reputation or take a toll on your brand image. Today, we are going to stop you from making mistakes that lead to rejection of job offers or dissatisfied employees by sharing a list of “Don’ts”. Yes, something as basic as the offer letter format has the power to cause a lot of damage to you.

The 5 Donts to Follow While Issuing an Offer Letter

So, let us have a look at the 5 major things to avoid while issuing an offer letter to a newly recruited employee:

Do Not Forget To Mention Specifics

The most significant thing about an offer letter is the job details mentioned in it. The whole point of sending across this official document is to give the shortlisted candidate a complete idea about the job and its related aspects. Now, if you forget to put significant information on paper, what purpose would it serve? So, the first key reminder is not to forget any of the essential elements of the offer letter such as designation remuneration, job location and timings, responsibilities, compensation & benefits and company policies and procedures.

Do Not Restrict To Online Communication

Many times, recruiters download and release a standard offer letter format, but forget to do the needful that follows. Now as an HR, your job is not only to share the official papers with the applicants but to also follow-up with them. Online communication is easy but not enough. You need to walk the extra mile to get feedback and ‘the answer’ from the candidate. Be it an email, a call or a text message, you can choose ways to check up on the candidate after issuing the offer letter to know whether they have accepted the same or not.

Do Not False Commit Or Overcommit

HRs do this blunder of making false commitments with the candidates about the job all the time so that they accept the proposal. Sometimes, recruiters overcommit and raise expectations of the candidates in greed of hiring them. This could not only end up in employee attrition in the long run when they realize your promises were false but also may result in legal actions against the whole firm.

Do Not Confirm Placement Just Yet

Offer letters are strictly meant to propose filling a job position by a suitable candidate. It does not mean that the concerned person is placed and can join the company. In fact, an appointment letter format is such that it can be perceived as a confirmation of job since it is released after completion of probation period. So, you have to make it clear from the document and draw the fine line between offer letter and appointment or joining letter.

Do Not Miss Out On Company Policies

To avoid nuisance in your organization, do not forget to clearly outline the company norms and regulations in the offer letter. It acts like a warning and saves you from inviting troublemakers at the workplace. Thus, company policies and procedures are a must to be explained in the offer letter.


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