Top 4 Tips to Help You Study While You Work


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Those who are currently holding down a full-time job and want to broaden their career opportunities can do so by picking up a degree. A college education is valuable in many ways. Two of the most important aspects for full-timers being the fact that there will be better job prospects when you graduate and your rate of pay will rise. Unfortunately, many people simply do not want to go back to school and think that they cannot fit study around their full schedule. However, not all degree programs require on-campus attendance, and getting your degree does not have to be an all-encompassing task. Here are a few top tips to help you study while you work.

Top 4 Tips to Help You Study While You Work

Choose the Right Degree Program

The biggest way you can help yourself is by doing some research and choosing the right degree program for you. As mentioned previously, you do not have to physically go to school to get your degree. Degree programs that are taught 100 percent online are suited to working professionals with a full-time jobs who do not have the time or energy to study on-campus. The main thing you need to look out for with online degrees is accreditation. If you are looking for accredited colleges in Wisconsin, look no further than Marian University. Marian University is an established institution with different types of programs to choose from, including on-campus and online degrees and even licenses and certificates for those who don’t feel they need a full-on degree to boost their career.

Be Open With Your Manager

It doesn’t matter if you are best friends with your boss or you can’t stand them. It is essential that you are open about your intentions to ‘go back to school’. Although you might not physically be attending classes, letting your manager know your circumstances will work to your advantage. With this piece of knowledge, they are more likely to give you hours that will help you fit your study time better. They will also be more understanding if you are more tired than usual or cannot take on over time as much as you used to. Not to mention, if your degree is directly related to your work, they might even provide financial aid for you to complete it.

Put Together a Plan

Once you have enrolled in a degree program and your boss is on board, stay on top of everything by putting together a plan. You need to be aware of special academic dates throughout the year, such as assignment deadlines, presentations, and examinations. Additionally, you should also have an idea of how much work needs to go into each project so that you can schedule in the amount of time required for research and study.

Make the Most Out of Your Free Time

It is true that you will have to sacrifice some downtime if you want to get your degree. However, you will reap the rewards as soon as you graduate. In the meantime, make sure you make every second count by making the most out of the time you have in between work and study. This could mean catching up with friends during your lunch break or waking up slightly earlier to fit in a fitness class before work.


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