Heating the Home: 10 Top Heating Problems and Their Solutions


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Are you experiencing issues with your heating system?

If your heating system keeps malfunctioning and you don’t know what the issues are, it can be frustrating. However, heating problems are more common than you think.

With only a few simple steps, you should be able to solve most heating system issues. Read on to learn more.

Heating the Home

1. Heating System Doesn’t Shut Off

One of the most common issues with heating is a system that doesn’t shut off. Your heating system should shut off once it achieves the temperature you set. However, if the system continues to blow hot air, then it’s a sign, something is off.

If you suspect your heating system is working non-stop, the first thing you need to do is make sure you have it set on auto.

Having the thermostat set “on” rather than “auto” could be the reason why the system doesn’t turn off. If this doesn’t fix the issue, it’s a sign there’s something wrong with your thermostat.

You could try to reset the thermostat or have an expert check the wiring. An expert can ensure everything is wired correctly or recommend you replace the thermostat.

2. You’re Experiencing Cool Air

If your heating system blows out cool air, you need to evaluate the system.

The first step is to check the thermostat to ensure you set it to the right temperature. If the thermostat is at the right temperature and you still feel cool air blowing, try turning it up a few degrees.

Also, follow the step discussed in the previous point and make sure it’s set to “auto.”

Next, you need to take a look at the air filter. As a rule of thumb, you need to replace the air filter every one to three months, at least. Because dirt and debris collect in the filter, it makes it more difficult for the air to circulate.

A dirty filter can be one of the reasons why your heating system blows cool air.

You also need to check the air ducts. If you’re dealing with a leaky duct, the air will not circulate as well as it should.

You also need to make sure your heating system has enough fuel and that the pilot light is on.

3. Some Rooms are Cold

Your heating system should heat your home evenly, but sometimes it’s not the case. If you’ve noticed some rooms are warmer than others, you need to get to the source.

Sometimes the problem is a dirty air filter or faulty ductwork. While the air filter is easy to repair, you need a home heat repair expert to fix the ductwork.

4. The Heating System Won’t Stay Lit

While older heating systems use a traditional pilot light, newer models use an electric ignition. If you have a newer model and the sensors get dirty, it will prevent the gas from reaching the heater.

You will have to ensure it gets cleaned if you want to get it back to normal.

5. Faulty Thermostat

If your heating system starts to malfunction, you might get worried it will be an expensive fix. However, sometimes the only problem with the heating system is the thermostat.

To fix the problem, check the thermostat wiring or ser it to the manufacturer’s settings. With a digital thermostat, you should start by replacing the batteries.

If none of those solutions fix the problem, a tripped circuit could be the problem.

6. The Fan Stopped Working

When the heating system fan has stopped working, there are a few things you should check. As always, you want to start with the thermostat to make sure you have it on the right settings.

Once you make sure the thermostat is not the issue, you should move on to the air filter. If the air filter is too dirty, it might cause the fan to stop working.

The next step is to check the circuit breakers to make sure they’re on. If the circuits are off, simply switch them on. However, you don’t want to mess with the circuit breakers too much, or you could cause an electrical fire.

Call an expert to fix the circuit breakers if you can’t get the system to work.

7. Moldy Heating System

If you live in a humid climate, there’s a high chance your system will accumulate excess moisture. When you don’t have the right insulation or faulty ductwork, the problem could get worse.

Due to a combination of issues, excess mold can accumulate in the heating system.

If you’re dealing with mold in your heating system, you should call an expert to check it out. You want to make sure they clean up properly and prevent the problem from happening again.

To help the issue, you should get the air ducts cleaned every few years and always replace the filters on time.

8. High Energy Bills

If you’ve noticed your energy bills have spiked out of nowhere, it’s a sign your heating system is working overtime.

When dealing with any of the issues we mentioned before, your heating system will work a lot harder to keep your house warm.

If you don’t want the energy bills to keep piling up, you should replace your air filters, fix the thermostat, or call an expert to evaluate the issue.

9. Burning Smell

When you turn on the heating system for the first time in a long time, you will notice a burning smell. A slight burning smell is normal since the heating system has to burn off all the dust collected.

If the problem persists, you should call an expert.

10. Lack of Maintenance

If you want to keep your heating system from breaking down often, it’s important you adhere to a maintenance schedule.

Make sure you prepare your system before each season, always clean the filter, and schedule regular repairs.

These Are the Most Common Heating Problems

Now that you know about these common heating problems, it’s time you take a look at your system. Some of the most common problems include a system that doesn’t shut off, burning smell, and a faulty thermostat.

If you enjoyed these tips and would like to learn more, check out the rest of our blog.


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