Home Improvement for People Living With Mobility Issues


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Challenges related to mobility usually affect the elderly more than any other age group. Besides age, other circumstances can also cause a person to use a wheelchair. People who have mobility issues often encounter numerous hardships. This causes them to alter their lifestyle. Such people opt to change their lifestyles entirely.

Home Improvement for People Living With Mobility Issues

Homes are one of the places that need a lot of changes. However, a lot can be done to make it friendlier. For instance, you can choose to install a stairlift if you are living in a story house. Contacting a home stairlift distributor can help you get the right information about design compatibility and prices.

The first step to improving your home is identifying the areas that you want to change. It’s a step that can help you come up with a solid plan. If you’re clueless about how you can adjust your home, here are some ideas that can help you get started.


When you consider a good alternative to stairs, ramps and lifts are usually the primary options. Installing a ramp that leads to the doorway not only helps those in a wheelchair but also anyone who is having difficulties moving around. Ramps are some of the most effective equipment available in the market. Apart from being less costly, they also require minimal electronic repairs.

A lift may be another option because it occupies a smaller amount of space. Lifts can be divided into two main categories; vertical platforms and stairlifts. If you find lifts to be convenient, consider working with a reputable company that deals. Just like the way we install business intercom systems at our workplace for better coordination the similar can be done with your home improvement. That is how you can achieve high success in turning the accessibility criteria towards perfection when it comes to home improvement.

Exterior and Interior Doorways

A good way to make living more comfortable is to ensure there’s a seamless flow from your yard to your entryways and exits. Many wheelchairs and walkers are too wide to maneuver through doorways. Thus, you should remove anything that may hinder free entry and exits. You may also want to install doors that have lower handles. This will enable you to access the door without straining yourself. Installing an intercom is another helpful idea. It will reduce the back and forth of answering the door.


Sinks are some of the most utilized facilities in any given household. How a person chooses to alter their sink depends on their condition. For wheelchair users, a sink that is relatively higher than the standard ones would be ideal. The extra space that is underneath will enable the person to have easy access and use of the area.

Bathrooms And Toilets

Bathrooms and toilets are the most important spaces to remodel for seniors and people with disabilities. This is because they usually have a challenge when entering or exiting these facilities. These rooms should generally be spacious and open enough to allow comfortable maneuvering.

Toilets should have higher seas to reduce the distance traveled between to and from the wheelchair. The doors to these rooms also have to be readjusted to enable walkers and wheelchairs to maneuver easily.

Kitchens Area

The kitchen is an area that is mostly utilized. Thus, you’ll need to do some modifications to make your life easier. In essence, your primary reason for changing your kitchen is accessibility. In addition, you may also want to replace your appliances with the ones that have special handles. This will reduce the likelihood of creating a mess while working.


People who have mobility problems face numerous challenges in their day-to-day living. However, they can make some adjustments in their life that’ll make their life more comfortable. Homes are some of the places that need modification. Making various changes at home has proven to make life more bearable. Thus, ensure you implement the ideas mentioned above.


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