Why Investment is Significant and Where to Invest?


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Have you been thinking about saving? Or much better, thinking about investing? Well traditionally, we have all been programmed to know how to save. Save for the future, save for education, save for a trip, and the list goes on. To an unending process of saving we have always given into. Investing is a totally different subject though, wouldn’t you agree? Let me first give you a one-line overview of both, so you have a clear picture. Say for matter investing in company that gives you franking credit Australia can be a better idea to stay away from paying tax from your profit from the shareholding of the firm. That is how you can make good money from the existing money.

“Saving is Putting away a bit of your earnings for future purposes.

Investing, on the other hand, is growing or multiplying your earnings.”

Why Investment is Significant and Where to Invest?

This explanation is not really enough. So here we go. Take a look at what investing actually is and what it denotes today. What is an investment when it is put against the meaning of saving? Everything is explained here for you.

What are investments?

An investment is an asset that has been acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation over it. The appreciation means to increase the value of an asset or earning over a period of time. When you buy a good as an investment, the intent is not to consume the good but rather to utilize it in the future to create wealth.

An investment always concerns the outlay of some asset today. It can be money, effort, or time, in the hope for a greater payoff in the future than what was originally put in. An investment can mean any mechanism that is used to generate future income, which includes stocks, real estate property, or a business. These are some of the many examples of an investment.

The Benefits of an Investment

You could lock up your money in savings or fixed deposit accounts, but most times, the returns are not always as massive as an investment. Apart from these factors, here are a few attributes that will tell you, the perks of an investment.

It is more than just a rainy day’s backup – Practically saving involves putting aside some money for use in the future. In other words, it is when you tip some of your money into an account rather than spending it all. However, investing goes a level higher and helps you achieve personal goals with significant benefits.

It has the potential for a long-term return – You know by now that investing means you put your money to work potentially and earn a good return over it over a period of time. There are different classes of investment assets that consistently give you different types of returns.

You can Beat Inflation – Inflation is on the rise, and the cost of living too has taken the high road. It can impact our financial well-being as a whole. Investing is one way to help this concern. It can generate positive and real returns over the long term and also have the potential for capital growth.

It is a source of additional income – The return on your assets might be utilized as a regular source of supplementary money for day-to-day living expenses. Alternatively, you may reinvest the funds to increase (or compound) your wealth.

Investments with the Best Returns

1. Direct Equity

Okay, yes, maybe understanding stocks or the stock market is not everyone’s cup of tea. It is volatile, and that is an understandable factor if you do not feel secure. Also, there are plenty of other factors you think about like, picking the right stock, timing entry and exit, and much more. But every cloud has its silver lining, and the one with direct equity is that it delivers higher than inflation-adjusted returns when compared to all the other asset classes. Along with that, it also has its factor of risk. But come on, don’t you think that is fair enough? Yes, you might lose some of your money, but the most important thing is that you get an immense amount of returns if you play wisely.

2. Equity Mutual Funds

Equity mutual funds primarily invest in equity equities. An equity mutual fund scheme must invest at least 65% of its assets in equities and equity-related securities, according to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) Mutual Fund Regulations. An equity fund might be managed actively or passively. It can be a great way you can start off. You could click here to learn more about private equity interval funds and how it works.

3. Real Estate

The property you reside in is for personal use and should never be seen as an investment. If you do not intend to live there, the second home you purchase might serve as an investment. No doubt, real estate is developing and can be a great investment.

4. Gold

It might seem or sound ancient to you, but something this ancient can never lose value even in our modern-day living, can it? Gold is still a potential component on the investment list. It can play to be a hedge against inflation. Moreover, with digital gold taking up the trending list today, gold does not have to be jewellery or stored at home. It can be bought in bullions or coins and stored in digital lockers given by the providers.


Investments do not always have to be uncertain. There are fixed-income investments too. You might find market-linked investments quite risky, but if you look at it as a whole, it is a good choice. Though it comes with a certain amount of risk, it is worth it because of the benefits that come along. But investments do take up significant importance in everyone’s life today, and there are plenty of ways you can get started with it.


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